Subject: RE: Sidplay on an IPC
To: 'Linc Fessenden' <>
From: David Woyciesjes <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/15/2002 10:08:19
! From: Linc Fessenden []
! > they're asking (and what makes sense as far as 
! > troubleshooting a problem) is
! > can you try using an 8k/mono (or other slower rate) option 
! > in Sidplay, like
! > the FAQ mentions for mpg123. If it does work at a slower 
! > rate, that says
! > something about what the problem is. See my point? :-)
! Oh yeah I know what point they are trying to make, but if I was smart
! enough to know to adjust the rate on mpg123 and get it to 
! work it would figure I could at least read the command line
! parm for sidplay as well.  There are *some* adjustments
! available there, however, everything I try ends up with the
! encoding error I originally mentioned...  I was hoping someone
! could tell me if maybe there is an error in the library for it
! or something (libsidplay).

Okay, I see now. I t was quite clear to me from the original message, that's
why I just asked. Maybe it's because I hadn't had enough coffee yet.

BTW, did you compile it, or get the binaries from pkgsrc?

! > It's compiling now on my SS10 (1.5.1) but I doubt that I 
! > have any media 
! > files to use to test it.  Can you point me to any?
! I would be happy to..  You can find a bunch of them at:
! Thanks for the help!

Maybe I screwed up, but this link is 404...

---   David A Woyciesjes
---   C & IS Support Specialist
---   Yale University Press
---   (203) 432-0953
---   ICQ # - 905818