Subject: Re: named keeps dying
To: Andy Ruhl <>
From: Daryl Williams <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/07/2002 16:16:51
just to confirm, yep your right. as i recall thats one of the sets
i decided to leave out due to the space restrictions...
i wondered if it might not lead to problems..., but harald's
suggestion worked great and the newly built named (bind9)
has been running for over 24 hours now with out any problems.
thanks again to everyone for your help.
Andy Ruhl wrote:
>On Sun, 6 Jan 2002, Daryl Williams wrote:
>>ahh.. i had to do a limited install due to disk space limitations,
>>i only have two 400 MBdrives and i couldnt figure out how to
>>use both disks during the net install so i ended up just using the
>>one disk.
>For the record, I believe it's the text.tgz filesets that need to be
>installed for that error not to happen. I didn't know about the workaround
>till now. You learn something new everyday...
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