Subject: Re: com0 on JavaStation isn't assigned an interrupt
To: None <>
From: Valeriy E. Ushakov <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/10/2001 02:09:40
On Sun, Dec 09, 2001 at 22:12:16 +0100, Aymeric Vincent wrote:

> com0 at obio0 slot 0 offset 0x3002f8: ns16550a, working fifo
> should also show that interrupt 13 (0xd) is assigned to this chip.
> I don't know which probe is to blame (in MI com.c, or in obio code?).
> Could someone help me debug this?

You need a current  PROMs in javastations are fubar, so I've
commited sys/arch/sparc/stand/boot/prompatch.c to massage proms before
kernel is loaded.  For the OBP2 machine you need prompatch.c,v 1.3

Also, note that despite prom claiming there's a zs, this machine
actually doesn't have it.

SY, Uwe
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