Subject: Re: booting problems after install on IPC
To: Michael Maciolek <>
From: None <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/12/2001 12:42:42
You are on the right track (sortof).

The boot proceedure for older Sparcs is like so:

b sd(0,18,0)

The first number is the scsi device buss, the second is the drive id
(multiplied by 8 then convert to hex), the third is the partition number
in decimal.

The above example will boot disk id 3, partition 0 on bus 0.

The way to finger out which device you wanna boot is:

Take the drive id.  In this case we will use 5 as our target.


Convert to hex gives us 28 so our boot command will look like:

b sd(0,28,0)

You can then via the Nvram faq, adjust your nvram to use this device as
the default boot device.

For those hexidecimally challenged, here is a cheat sheet for all seven


Another thing is that the older Sparcs have disk id's 0 and 3 (0 and
18hex) swapped in the prom.  This is REALLY anoying as some miniroots swap
them back......  BSD starts to boot, swaps the drives and bombs because it
pulled the rug out from under it's own feet....

Get an older miniroot or use the 2.88mb floppy.fs filesystem copied to a
swap partition or spare drive and boot from it.  I have not used the
multiple-floppy filesystem so I don't know whether that works (or not),
but with the install difficulties I've had with my Sun4.....



In <>, on 11/09/01 
   at 01:36 PM, Michael Maciolek <> said:

>The IPC boot proms use an older naming convention for the boot device;
>while newer systems accept "boot diskN", the old naming convention was:

>	boot sd(0,N,0)

>where "N" is the SCSI id.  (the first zero is the scsi controller, the
>final zero is the partition from which you're trying to boot, which is 0
>for partition "a").

>So for Peter Waterland, try 

>	boot sd(0,5,0)

>(unless you've already changed your scsi ID jumpers),

>and for Curtis Collicutt, try

>	boot sd(0,4,0)

>There may be other difficulties ahead, but this is a step in the right


>Michael Maciolek

>On Fri, Nov 09, 2001 at 10:09:50AM -0800, Curtis Collicutt wrote: > Hi,
>> I'm having a similar problem on my IPC.
>> Install of 1.5.2 went fine, but I can't get it to
>> boot.
>> probe-scsi reports the only disk is at Target 4.
>> I tried some of the suggestions that have come up to
>> no avail.
>> banner says ROM Rev. 1.6.
>> Thanks for any help,
>> C Collicutt.
>> PS. I'm not on the list, so please CC me, or I can
>> just wait until the message is up on Geocrawler.Thanks again.
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Jeffrey S. Worley
Asheville, NC USA