Subject: re: "file-system MSDOSFS" in sparc/GENERIC?
To: matthew green <>
From: Brian Seklecki <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/24/2001 20:44:43
> unlikely.  i've used many msdos floppies under netbsd/sparc, but
> only floppies...

Oddly, with MSDOS formatted floppies, you get a partition table that looks

3 partitions:
#        size   offset     fstype   [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
  c:     1440        0     4.2BSD        0     0     0   # (Cyl.  0 - 79)

and you can instantly mout it with:

# mount -t msdos /dev/fd0a /mnt

...although /dev/fd0c doesn't work.

Backk to the zip, both:

fsck -T MSDOS: /dev/rsd1c and fsck -T MSDOS: /dev/rsd1a

Fail with:

Invalid signature in boot block: b9a4

Perhaps we're confusing the format DOS puts on diskettes with the FAT file
system on fixed media?


> .mrg.