Subject: Re: X11 netbsd/sparc on SparcStation Voyager
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/29/2001 20:13:17
[quoting fixed up -dM]
>>>> If I recall correctly, the mouse that comes with the Voyager uses
>>>> a different baudrate than other mice (4800, I think).
>> Try add line "options SUN_MS_BPS=4800", rebuild your kernel. That
>> may help. details see ms(4).
> Is there any reasonable way for the kernel to detect this?
I have code in my kernel now that makes mice autobaud. Upon getting an
error (usually a parity or framing error, when the baudrate is wrong),
it switches baudrates, 1200->9600->4800->2400->etc.
The code as it stands is part of my kmmux code, so it won't be directly
useful to people running stock "ms at zs" attachments, but the idea
could be put into practice in the stock ms_zs.c easily enough.
I'll be happy to send what I have to anyone who cares to ask, of
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