Subject: Re: SPARCclassic "AUI" pinout
To: Erik E. Fair <>
From: Don Yuniskis <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/04/2001 19:05:24
>That funny connector is also present on the SPARCstation 10, and
>SPARCstation 20, used for AUI on both, but there is a second one on
>those models which is used for the parallel port interface.
>The audio signal lines in the AUI/audio version are only present on
>the LX and the SS10, because those were the only models that have the
>Sun DBRIe ISDN interface (which does ISDN and audio).
Ah, OK. Since the Classic X is effectively a Classic I think it
safe to assume that what's missing in one is missing in the other! :>
I guess it's probably easier for me to just trace foils to figure out which
*particular* signals are omitted in the Classic and then use the
chart Thilo Manske provided to assign *names* to those present.