Subject: Re: DEC Multias or SS1+ & SS2?
To: NetBSD/sparc Discussion List <>
From: Volker Borchert <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/30/2001 08:56:07
In message <> you write:

|> > - get a 501-2015 FSBE/S for $75 from your favourite used Sun dealer

Not new, of course.                                      ^^^^

|> $75[usa] new?  Where!  ;-)

$80 at
$75 at

(Disclaimer - I'm not affiliated with any of these, just a customer.)

|> If you're going to run r* services (and/or telnet) on your internal
|> network anyway then the only way to stop them from being used from the
|> firewall is to filter connections from the firewall to them

That is indeed the idea. Anyway, who needs r* (except maybe rmt) in
the days of (open)ssh and GHz CPUs...

|> (or use TCP Wrappers) on every single host on the inside.....

I prefer xinetd, but the idea is the same.
