Subject: Re: SCSI probs on spork 10
To: Jim Bernard <>
From: NetBSD list <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/25/2001 17:48:26
> On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 10:09:15PM +0200, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> > On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 07:36:30PM -0600, Jim Bernard wrote:
> > >   OK, I did this, and the resulting kernel has now been running for 4 days
> > > without hanging, so I guess tagged queuing was the culprit in some way.
> > > 
> > >   I'm still seeing a few scsi parity errors during the execution of the
> > > /etc/daily script, though.  (But there were none when I ran the script by
> > > hand just after first booting the kernel.)
> > 
> > OK, so it's possible these parity errors degenerate in more serious SCSI
> > problems when tagged queuing is enabled (highter load on the bus).
> > It looks like this SCSI bus has a problem.
>   Even though there has never been a scsi parity error with any older (than
> early April) kernel?
>   I tried tearing it apart, checking termination, etc., but nothing changed.
> I haven't yet tried swapping out cables or swapping positions of hardware on
> the bus.  That's largely because the kernel dependence seems so strongly
> suggestive of a software problem.  But I could be persuaded to check further.
>   BTW: I don't think the other person (Scott ...) who has been seeing
> scsi-related hangs has been having problems with parity errors, so it's
> by no means clear that the parity errors I'm seeing are at the root of the
> hangs.  I.e., even if I do have a hardware problem, there does seem to be
> at least one software problem as well.

Nope, I have not now (nor ever) had any report of SCSI parity errors.

It's all very odd.  Different NCR controller hardware among sparcs? *shrug*
