Subject: RE: New to the club...
To: 'NetBSD Bob' <>
From: David Woyciesjes <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/15/2001 17:11:51
-> Yes, I use a mac modem cable on the ones with the round sun serial
-> port (LX should have that).

	I'll probably put the K/V/M om the LX anyway, since it's the best of
the bunch... BTW, X does run on it, right?

->  The rest use a straight db25 low7 modem
-> cable (maybe null, forget which exactly).  Pull the video boards and
-> keyboards and they should come up in serial A.  If you leave the
-> keyboard on it will try that first, unless you set a nvram with
-> the correct bits.  A VT100 emulation on a DEC terminal with a DEC
-> mmj dongle cable and connector works straight through.  Else, use
-> a null modem cable, if memory is correct, today.

	To make sure I understand this right, I can take a DEC VT420, in
vt100 mode, use the DEC keyed MMJ wire into the DEC H8571-F MMJ<->DB25
adaptor on the back of the Sun? 9600/8/none/1 settings, right?

-> > -> Pick and choose the best nvram chips and use those.
-> ... If you follow the sun nvram.faq you can see how
-> to wire up external batteries to the chips to reuse them...

	Yeah, I saw that and read up on that. I dunno about doing the solder
work (we'll see), I'll probably just drop the $20 for a new chip...

---   David A Woyciesjes
---   C & IS Support Specialist
---   Yale University Press
---   (203) 432-0953
---   ICQ # - 905818