Subject: xsrc/xfree works on netbsd/sparc
To: None <>
From: matthew green <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/07/2001 03:29:14
modulo XsunMono and Xsun24 not linking properly, and myself being unable to
get XsunMono to link at all, the xfree 4.0.3 in our source tree appears to
work on netbsd/sparc.  i tested this on a classic using the built-in cg3.

Xsun24 needs this small patch.  i don't understand why it isn't a problem
for Xsun.  maybe Xsun doesn't use this part of this file (i didn't look
that closely.)

Index: hw/sun/sunInit.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/xsrc/xfree/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/sun/sunInit.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -p -r1.1.1.2 sunInit.c
*** hw/sun/sunInit.c	2001/03/18 17:23:00
--- hw/sun/sunInit.c	2001/06/06 17:26:57
*************** sunCfbSetupScreen(pScreen, pbits, xsize,
*** 850,856 ****
  extern BSFuncRec	cfbBSFuncRec, cfb16BSFuncRec, cfb32BSFuncRec;
! extern int  cfb16ScreenPrivateIndex, cfb32ScreenPrivateIndex;
  extern Bool cfbCloseScreen(), cfb16CloseScreen(), cfb32CloseScreen();
--- 850,856 ----
  extern BSFuncRec	cfbBSFuncRec, cfb16BSFuncRec, cfb32BSFuncRec;
! /*extern*/ int  cfb16ScreenPrivateIndex, cfb32ScreenPrivateIndex;
  extern Bool cfbCloseScreen(), cfb16CloseScreen(), cfb32CloseScreen();

XsunMono fails with a whole bunch of other lossage i'll post about
separately maybe.  i'm going to disable it for sparc for now
