Subject: Re: What tty console line on sun sparc with sun monitor?
To: User Nbsdbob NetBSD Bob <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/06/2001 20:24:45
What does 'stty rows 24' give?
David/absolute -- No hype required --
On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, User Nbsdbob NetBSD Bob wrote:
> > What was your screen size (cols x rows) again?
> The default that is coming up is 24x80, but the paging mechanisms in pg
> and vi and that kind of thing is maybe 36 lines. Thus vi or pg loses
> about 12 lines off the top of the screen at each screenful. The cursor
> is about 12 lines too high on any edit, and you can't determine where
> you are editing, except in ed.....(:+\\....
> One listmember suggested set the ttys from sun to sun-cgsix or something
> like that, and mentioned a classical cg6 bug. I will check that email
> again, and try that when I get a monitor hooked up again.
> A serial terminal picked up vi correctly, when ttys is defined as vt100
> to give a 24x80 screen with proper positioning.
> When the thing panic dumped, it listed a cg6 thing in the message.
> When it ran, it had the above screen problem on the sun monitor/keyboard.
> When it ran, it ran fine off serial and vt100.
> It probably is something to do with cg6 (e.g. the GX framebuffer)
> and suncons?
> Bob