Subject: Re: Does anyone know how to install a new / and /usr disk
To: None <>
From: T. M. Pederson <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/05/2001 19:35:12
On "Thu, 05 Apr 2001 17:15:08 -0400", Rebecca Ore <> wrote:

>while continuing to access information on present installation on
>another drive.  I will need to upgrade things in on the new hard drive
>which is at sd0.  A disk that was having problems is the former root
>disk at sd1, and the disk that I want to continue to use (my /news
>mount) is at sd2.

Are you still booting from sd1?  Or is sd0 running something of a
copy of it now?
T. M. Pederson <>
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