Subject: Re: netscape on sparc?
To: NetBSD/sparc <>
From: T. M. Pederson <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/30/2001 14:03:14
On "Tue, 30 Jan 2001 10:34:26 -0800", Jon Buller <> wrote:
>Someone (or group) needs to pull their head out of the sand and
>realize that it does not take a 400MHz G4 or a 900MHz P3 to display
>5KB of text and 100K of JPEGs in less than 30 seconds.  Or better,
>2 minutes 50 seconds to get a window frame (with background still in
>the content region!) up after I start a browser in an Xterm.

Urgh.  This whole thread is giving me flashbacks to when I was told
to install NS Navigator 1.2 on a '286 --- it was a 3 Mbyte box.

That was marginally worse.  (The install took 20 hours....)
T. M. Pederson <>
PGP key fingerprint = 48 94 7A 54 59 B6 C0 77  1F F6 94 55 0C 55 51 C4
"...and so the moral of the story is: Always make backups."
"But that was the moral last night, and the night before that too!"