Subject: Re: Sun announces $995 Sun Netra X1 rack-mount UltraSPARC-IIe server
To: None <>
From: Bill Sommerfeld <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/18/2001 16:21:41
> incorrect. L2 cache, even on the PPro, T-Birds, etc have the L2
> cache EXTERNAL to the core CPU die.  they are in the same piece of
> ciramic (how is that spelled please)


> but they are not a part of the same piece of silicon, they are
> infact, seperate.  interesting to know, yes? :)

This is true for pentium pro and pentium II, but at least among the
intel chips, celeron (starting with 300A) and PIII coppermine have L2
cache on-chip.

For certain workloads, celerons with on-chip 1-cycle 128kb L2 cache
are faster than comparable speed pentium-II's with four times as much
off-chip 2-cycle L2 cache.

						- Bill