Subject: netbooting a SS10
To: None <>
From: Steven Grunza <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/20/2000 13:07:19
I've almost got an SS10 netbooted.  The serial console is complaining about
an unknown error code and tcpdump is seeing UDP packets from the SS10 to
the server on port 80.  Some excerpts from console and tcpdump are below.

tcpdump after has been transferred:
13:04:31.090430 hw-ss1 hw-sbus rarp 42: rarp reply hw-sbus at hw-sbus
13:04:31.129146 hw-sbus Broadcast ip 138: hw-sbus.1023 > [udp sum ok] udp 96 (ttl 4, id 0)
13:04:31.281484 hw-ss1 hw-sbus ip 118: hw-ss1.sunrpc > hw-sbus.1023: [udp
sum ok] udp 76 (ttl 64, id 6767)
13:04:31.311343 hw-sbus Broadcast arp 64: arp who-has hw-ss1 tell hw-sbus
13:04:31.311842 hw-ss1 hw-sbus arp 42: arp reply hw-ss1 is-at hw-ss1
13:04:31.312782 hw-sbus hw-ss1 ip 122: hw-sbus.1022 > hw-ss1.1017: [udp sum
ok] udp 80 (ttl 4, id 0)
13:04:32.643880 hw-sbus hw-ss1 ip 122: hw-sbus.1022 > hw-ss1.1017: [udp sum
ok] udp 80 (ttl 4, id 0)
13:04:36.644029 hw-sbus hw-ss1 ip 122: hw-sbus.1022 > hw-ss1.1017: [udp sum
ok] udp 80 (ttl 4, id 0)
13:04:44.644122 hw-sbus hw-ss1 ip 122: hw-sbus.1022 > hw-ss1.1017: [udp sum
ok] udp 80 (ttl 4, id 0)

console of SS10:
boot net
Resetting ... 

SPARCstation 10 (1 X 390Z55), No Keyboard
ROM Rev. 2.10, 64 MB memory installed, Serial #3155464.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:1a:d6:47, Host ID: 72302608.

Initializing Memory 
Rebooting with command: net
Boot device: /iommu/sbus/ledma@f,400010/le@f,c00000   File and args: 

>> NetBSD/sparc Secondary Boot, Revision 1.8
>> (, Fri Mar  3 17:51:31 PST 2000)
boot: client IP address:
boot: client name: hw-sbus
Can't open NFS network connection on
open: netbsd: Unknown error: code 72: trying netbsd.gz...
Can't open NFS network connection on
open: netbsd.gz: Unknown error: code 23: trying netbsd.old...
Can't open NFS network connection on
open: netbsd.old: Unknown error: code 23: trying netbsd.old.gz...
Can't open NFS network connection on
open: netbsd.old.gz: Unknown error: code 23: trying onetbsd...
Can't open NFS network connection on
open: onetbsd: Unknown error: code 23: trying onetbsd.gz...
Can't open NFS network connection on
open: onetbsd.gz: Unknown error: code 23: trying vmunix...
Can't open NFS network connection on
open: vmunix: Unknown error: code 23
("halt" to halt): halt
Program terminated
Type  help  for more information

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