Subject: Re: SunSwift - 10/100 Ethernet and SCSI Card
To: Surinder Dio <>
From: Eduardo Horvath <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/09/2000 16:40:11
On Sat, 9 Sep 2000, Surinder Dio wrote:
> I have a sparcstation 4 with an Sbus SunSwift card (ie the fast ethernet plus
> ultra wide scsi).
> I have been through the supported Sparc hardware page and can't seem
> to find it - could you tell me if this is supported - I'm especially
> interested in the scsi support.
This should be the HME card. It has hme ethernet and fas scsi. I don't
thing the other on-chip devices are connected.
> I did orginally have OpenBSD/Sparc 2.7 on it - but that only seemed to
> support the ethernet and not the scsi (maybe I'll ask on their list in
> case there is a patch or similar).
> [Under OpenBSD its identified as 0/100Mbit SunSwift SUNW,fas
> Ethernet+SCSI card upon bootup].
> I'm trying to turn this into a ftp server and would like to utilize
> this scsi connection.
The hme is supported. The fas is not. The esp driver needs to be
enhanced to handle the FAS366 scsi controller.
Eduardo Horvath