Subject: Re: 1.4/1.4.2 install kernels break on a Sparc Classic
To: None <>
From: Albert Dvornik <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/18/2000 16:14:16 writes:
> I think (hope! ;-) that the problem is that the kernel has grown
> so large that it bumps into the boot loader, causing Bad Things
> to happen.
The kernel image itself is 2.8M, after uncompression, but I suppose
that the in-core footprint could go over the 3M limit. OTOH, I was
pretty sure that *one* of the boot loaders I tried used 0x70000 as the
relocation address...
But anyhow:
> Anyway, if you could make a try with the install media from the
> 1.4.3_ALPHA snapshot that'd be much appreciated.
The syboot-143_ALPHA.fs image boots correctly, so I guess there's no
need to submit a PR. I guess I should have tried it that about 3 days
ago, though. =) Thanks a lot for everyone's help.
--Albert Dvornik