Subject: Re: Framing error CRC error...?
To: Jon Lindgren <>
From: Mason Loring Bliss <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/15/2000 11:40:02
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On Tue, Aug 15, 2000 at 11:32:31AM -0400, Jon Lindgren wrote:

> I've seen similar problems when the tranceiver had SQE turned on, but it
> never generated the exact message you reported.  Might not hurt to check,
> tho.

I've tried it with SQE turned on and off. It seems not to make a
difference.  I do want to try another transceiver, though, and I plan
to lug another box up to where this one is to see how it does. The tricky
part is that I don't have another AUI transceiver right now, so I can't
easily test the most obvious possibility. Heh.

    M a s o n     L o r i n g     B l i s s
awake ? sleep : (random() % 2) ? dream : sleep;=20

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