Subject: Re: Audio on an SS2 re:Gnome
To: Gregory McGarry <>
From: Topher Sandalwood <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/04/2000 03:33:49
Hash: SHA1


Sorry. Let me clear this up...

I'm running NetBSD 1.4.2 release... I'm not brave enough, nor is my coding 
expertise enough to deal with -current or 1.5A yet, if it's available.

The text is like the following (I'm in the middle of a compile right 
now.... I hope the exact precise text isn't necessary)

trying 44.1Khz stereo... format 33 unsupported
(other sample rates mono/stereo, etc, in here)
trying 8000 Hz..
format 0 unsupported

Fatal error (or the like)

The X server is shutting down.

That's all the information I get.

I know the machine will run X... I'm using TWM now (tho it sucks), and I 
suppose I could put KDE on it, but I don't really have the disk space for both.

Any ideas?

- -TS

At 05:22 PM 7/4/00 +1000, Gregory McGarry wrote:
>Topher Sandalwood wrote:
> > I've downloaded the Gnome 1.2 packages,
>What version of NetBSD?
> > What it does is test a bunch of sampling rates, both stereo and mono, 
> gives
> > the same error I got with mpg123 without the -r 8000 argument, then it
> > shuts down X.
>mpg123 -r 8000 is a good test.  At least I can understand it, since I'm
>not familiar with gnome.
> > I never actually get past the "checkerboard" X background
> > with the X mouse cursor. then the "console" scroll with the audio test
> > text, then it shuts down the X server.
>What is the text?
> > I don't get any kernel or X panics, etc, it just calls it a fatal error,
> > and shuts down X.
>I'm not sure.  This might not even be related to the audio.
> > Another odd thing... mpg123 -r 8000 works.. but only over the internal
> > speaker. I can't get the external audio i/o dongle-thingy to work. Now,
> > this is probably something I've overlooked there, or there's no support,
> > but I'd also like to get this to work.
>Apparently this wasn't supported in the old driver.  It is available in
>the new driver, I just don't know how the chip is wired.
>         -- Gregory McGarry <>

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