Subject: Re: panic on Tadpole 3GX (netbsd-1-5)
To: None <>
From: Ingolf Koch <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/26/2000 21:20:15
On Mon, Jun 26, 2000 at 09:11:46PM +0200, Markus Kilbinger wrote:
> It's seems to be a sparc specific problem with SOFTDEP (Have you
> enabled it?)) since end of May. Chuck Silvers <> is
> already working on it.
> I could temp. 'solve' the problem on my sparcbook 3gs by removing the
> SOFTDEP option in my kernel config.

Yes, I enabled it although did not use it on the disk. I'll
try a kernel without SOFTDEP. Thanks for the information.

Ingolf Koch     ICQ#60829470     Beste Kneipe in Jena-Ost
PGP: 0x7B3B5661  213C 828E 0C92 16B5  05D0 4D5B A324 EC04