Subject: Re: SS2 Audio, L1 + N
To: None <>
From: Anthony DeLorenzo <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 06/16/2000 12:57:32
>   You may find, however, that it might not be the best box to do mp3
> decoding on.  Its audio subsystem is single-channel, 8-bit, 8KHz.

Speaking of the audio...  I noticed that it is supported.  But, what
exactly is it?  What type of connector is that on the back of my
SS2?  What can I hook up to it, and is it good for anything?  I haven't
seen much about it in any of the FAQs that I've come across.

On an unrelated note...  That L1 + N tip to reset NVRAM posted earlier
this month came in really handy yesterday after I set my TGX to the wrong
resolution and got only blackness on the monitor. I've not come across
that information anywhere else, including the NVRAM / Openboot FAQs...



# Anthony DeLorenzo <> 
# Whitehorse, YT
# mojo wire: 209-391-8932