Subject: Re: Decoding/playing MP3's on Classic
To: Robert Gash <>
From: None <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/08/2000 09:25:34
The following works as a .mailcap entry for netscape
audio/x-mpeg;mpg123 -r 8000 -sm %s \
| sox -t raw -r 8000 -ws -c 1 - -t au -r 8000 -U -b - \
| audioplay
so you should be able to use
mpg123 -r 8000 -sm - \
| sox -t raw -r 8000 -ws -c 1 - -t au -r 8000 -U -b - \
| audioplay
Rex McMaster
Robert Gash writes:
> I know that is sounds like a really stupid idea, but I recently came
> across a Sparc Classic (40mhz, 16mb RAM, 200mb HD) for free, and seeing as
> it has some sort of audio output, I got the crazy notion that I might be
> able to actually use it as a sort of "radio-reciever" for MP3 streams (IE-
> no mp3's stored on the HD anywhere), seeing as I don't really have any
> other use for it.
> Unfortunately, my knowledge of sox (which I think is needed to convert
> into the proper sunaudio format) and how to play sounds on sun equipment
> is very limited. Has anyone else been crazy enough to try this and
> actually succeed on any of the lower-end Sun hardware? If you have, I'd
> really apperciate some advice on how you did it.
> FYI- I'm running NetBSD 1.4.2 on this machine, and it does support audio
> (200mb hd's dosen't lend themselves to installs of Solaris 7) properly on
> the classics from what I understand. I have mpg123 0.59r and sox 12.12
> installed on the machine, and not much more.
> -R
> PS- I just successfully finished a rather easy (compared to the 1.4.1
> standards) netboot/install. I'm gonna write up exactly how I did it
> (Linux NFS/RARP/bootparams server) and how you too can do it pretty
> quickly (about 10m process for everything to be setup) tonight when I have
> a few more minutes.
> --
> .----------------- PGP Key: `finger` -----------------.
> | Robert Gash | Work - |
> | Senior Systems Administrator | Personal - |
> | VenerNet Inc -- | |
> `---- PGP Key Fprint: 78 5D 64 D2 99 F3 D8 A0 B2 56 DF EF F2 C6 D3 DF ----'