Subject: Decoding/playing MP3's on Classic
To: None <>
From: Robert Gash <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/07/2000 17:55:19
I know that is sounds like a really stupid idea, but I recently came
across a Sparc Classic (40mhz, 16mb RAM, 200mb HD) for free, and seeing as
it has some sort of audio output, I got the crazy notion that I might be
able to actually use it as a sort of "radio-reciever" for MP3 streams (IE-
no mp3's stored on the HD anywhere), seeing as I don't really have any
other use for it.

Unfortunately, my knowledge of sox (which I think is needed to convert
into the proper sunaudio format) and how to play sounds on sun equipment
is very limited.  Has anyone else been crazy enough to try this and
actually succeed on any of the lower-end Sun hardware?  If you have, I'd
really apperciate some advice on how you did it.

FYI- I'm running NetBSD 1.4.2 on this machine, and it does support audio
(200mb hd's dosen't lend themselves to installs of Solaris 7) properly on
the classics from what I understand.  I have mpg123 0.59r and sox 12.12
installed on the machine, and not much more.


PS- I just successfully finished a rather easy (compared to the 1.4.1
standards) netboot/install.  I'm gonna write up exactly how I did it
(Linux NFS/RARP/bootparams server) and how you too can do it pretty
quickly (about 10m process for everything to be setup) tonight when I have
a few more minutes.

.----------------- PGP Key: `finger` -----------------.
| Robert Gash                        |          Work - |
| Senior Systems Administrator       |     Personal - |
| VenerNet Inc --    |     |
`---- PGP Key Fprint:  78 5D 64 D2 99 F3 D8 A0  B2 56 DF EF F2 C6 D3 DF ----'