Subject: Re: 1.4.2/sparc pkgsrc build
To: None <>
From: Robbie Stone <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/23/2000 20:02:29 wrote:
> FYI:
> I've started up a NetBSD-1.4.2/sparc bulk pkgsrc build from recent (a few
> week ago) pkgsrc.  The build is based on Hubert's scripts and the report
> of pkgs for which a binary package is not created is being generated at:
> Since this isn't the fastest machine in the world, the above report will
> be periodically (once an hour at the momemnt) updated.  I expect it to
> take a few weeks to fully complete.  (sparc 2).
> The goal is partly to help flush out any machine dependent issues with
> building certain packages and also to generate a pile of pkgs for
> -Dan

Yeah, there are quite a few that I ran by when I resynced my ports tree,
for example, the apache port has different version numbers in a couple
places which prohibit it from building without modification.

MySql is some termcap header conflicts...

Robbie Stone
Serendipity Simplex