Subject: Re: solved! (Re: hmm, i must be doing something wrong)
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: NetBSD Bob <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/23/2000 11:28:37
> > Woo hoo!  I swapped the order of my 16 and 4 MB simms and now the
> > system works great...


> I don't know *what* happens to the poor schlub who wants to install on
> a system with 4x4M of RAM and hence no way to put 16M in slot 0.  I've
> seen indicates that bootloaders based at other addresses are built, but
> I've not seen them mentioned when addressing problems like yours, so
> they may not help unless you want to "do it yourself".

Hey, I be dat exactisch Poor Sclub feller.  My IPX has 4x4M ram for
16M total.  YET, it booted and runs boot-142.fs and NetBSD-1.4.2
just fine.  Is it not supposed to?  Mebbie I should tell it not to?
I did notice the 1.4.2A pre-release did have the boot problem.
I think I also had problems when only 12M of ram was installed
as opposed to 16M.  Are there some minor diffs between production
runs of the IPX?
