Subject: Re: Time to get off the fence.....
To: Yubyub bird <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/22/2000 16:14:26
	Could I persuade you to contribute a comment for the NetBSD
	testimonial page? :)

				   -- Value design over hype --

On Sat, 22 Apr 2000, Yubyub bird wrote:

> NetBSD Bob said on 2000-04-21:
> > OK, folks, I am at a crossroads, and need some input from the crewe.
> [big snip]
> I used to use an SS2 under 1.4 and 1.4.1, but have been using an SS5 under
> 1.4.1 for a bunch of months now.  Never a problem, holds up like a
> champ.  Runs dns, thttpd, sendmail, ftp, imapd, etc... with no load
> problems and no complaints.
> Another glowing recommendation for NetBSD, I guess.
> -yubyub
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> croquette - n.  A small cake of minced | SMTP:
>  food, such as poultry, vegetables, or |
>  fish, that is usually coated with     | NetBSD on Sparc, Alpha
>  bread crumbs and fried in _deep fat_. |  i386, Mac68k, VAX