Subject: [OT] SPARCclassic->VGA monitor connection
To: port-sparc mailing list <port-sparc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: kaz-k) < (Kazuyoshi Kato>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/21/2000 06:16:48
Hi, I'm new to this port, and apologize for somewhat off-topic

I 'm trying to hook up iiyama's "17 multiscan display, named MT-8617E
here in Japan(not sure how it is called in the states or any other
countries, though it's iiyama's Hello II series "17 multiscan display),
to SPARCclassic with Sun -> VGA adaptor by following connections, though
it didn't work.

monitorDSUB15(mini)    VGA adaptor          Sun
 (1)Red <------------- (1) <----------< (A1)
 (2)Green <----------- (2) <----------< (A2)
 (3)Blue <------------ (3) <----------< (A3)
 (6)R.GND <----------- (6) <----------< (A1 GND)
 (7)G.GND <----------- (7) <----------< (A2 GND)
 (8)B.GND <----------- (8) <----------< (A3 GND)
(10)Sync GND -------- (10) ------------ (1)Srial Read, (7)Write, (10)GND
(13)H/HVSync <------- (13) <----------< (5)Comp Sync, (6)Hort Sync
(14)Vert Sync <------ (14) <----------< (2) Vert Sync

It there any special trick I need for classic??

-- kaz-k