Subject: Re: IPC memory banks
To: Yubyub bird <>
From: None <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 04/15/2000 12:37:18
cool.  That worked.  Looks like the previous owner had the 4Mb ones in
bank 1.  Putting them in bank 0 fixed my problems.


On Sat, 15 Apr 2000, Yubyub bird wrote:

> said on 2000-04-15:
> > I have a sparc IPC.  It has 3 memory banks (0,1,2) of 4 simms each.  I
> > have 2 banks of 1MB simms and 1 of 4MB simms.  Right now I can't boot from
> > the 1.4.2 syboot.fs I think because of the memory mapping problem.  Does
> > anyone know if there is a particular combination of how I install this
> > memory which can work around it?
> Off the top of my head, make sure the 4MB simms are placed before the
> 1MB simms.  That's the only problem I've ever run into with an IPC
> regarding memory.
> Hope this helps,
> -yubyub
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> croquette - n.  A small cake of minced | SMTP:
>  food, such as poultry, vegetables, or |
>  fish, that is usually coated with     | NetBSD on Sparc, Alpha
>  bread crumbs and fried in _deep fat_. |  i386, Mac68k, VAX