Subject: Re: Sun ZX (LEO) frame buffer
To: Greg Earle <earle@isolar.DynDNS.ORG>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/20/2000 13:17:36
On March 20, Greg Earle wrote:
> >> Is there any plan to support this frame buffer in the NetBSD/Sparc kernel?
> >
> > I have one on loan and it's somewhere on my TODO list.
> At the risk of sounding heretical ...
> Why are we putting esoteric hardly-anybody-has-this sort of stuff like
> SPARCprinter LPVI interfaces and ZX framebuffers on TODO lists?
...well, the day NetBSD stops doing this is the last day I'll run
NetBSD. Speaking from the standpoint of having run this operating
system since v0.9 on nearly every supported platform...and helped to
bulid a [now quite large] company around it that has well over four
hundred NetBSD/sparc machines...this is one of NetBSD's great
And everyone I know has at least one ZX framebuffer.
Yes, not having audio on SS20s sucks...but someone working on ZX
support won't keep SS20 audio from getting done. People work on what
they want to work on. We're all grateful for the hard work of the
development team, no matter what they're working on.
-Dave McGuire