Subject: Re: Sun ZX (LEO) frame buffer
To: SPARC port <>
From: Greywolf <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/20/2000 09:15:02
# > At the risk of sounding heretical ...
# > Why are we putting esoteric hardly-anybody-has-this sort of stuff
# > like SPARCprinter LPVI interfaces and ZX framebuffers on TODO lists?
# > Maybe it's just me, but it seems like audio and 24-bit support for
# > more common 24-bit framebuffers should be more important than lpvi
# > drivers and ZX cards.

I believe Someone, somewhere, is working on this stuff.  I remember
seeing someone hacking on the 24-bit stuff for Ultra not too long

I wish I were better with hardware (and had the @()*#$ time!).  I'd

And of course, there's the fact that Sun won't release the proper


BSD: Someday, we won't burn your toast.