Subject: Re: SLC netboot problem
To: George Tsilikas <>
From: Steven Grunza <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 03/06/2000 09:28:09
[NOTE:  This e-mail was sent, without the files attached, to the list.  The
e-mail with the files attached was sent only to George.]

The last time someone posed this problem, he sent me a config file.

I've attached the config file and the kernel it built.  Let me know if you
need anything else.....

Steven Grunza

At 06:12 AM 3/6/00 -0800, George Tsilikas wrote:
>This message was sent from by "George Tsilikas"
>Be sure to reply to that address.
>I have an old SLC sparc and I want to install
><ANY> unix-like operating system on it. I have
>started with RedHat Linux but the netboot failed
>because of a problem with the frame buffer.
>Just today I tried to install NetBSD 1.4.1 and the
>netboot failes because of a problem with NetBSD
>1.4.X that believes that there is a floppy drive
>and panics. I have read a numerous e-mails from
>people with the same problem in both SLC & ELC and
>I also found a patch to fix that problem (of
>course I don't have NetBSD pre-installed to make a
>new kernel).
>Can somebody PLEASE send me an e-mail telling me
>how to find a kernel with the floppy support
>PS Please reply to because I am
>not in the list.
> - The Knowledge Archive