Subject: Re: another dumb, quick sparc64 question
To: None <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 02/09/2000 02:19:47
On Tue, 08 Feb 2000, Eduardo E. Horvath wrote:
>>   ...and I reading things wrong, or is the last sparc64 snapshot
>> really a year old?  What am I missing here?
>Yup, it's about a year old.  I keep starting on a new one and then get
>sidetracked.  I was working on one a few weeks ago, but things weren't
>going all that smoothly, and then I got access to a U10 to play
>with, which needs a whole new set of drivers....

  Hmm...with that, and if the le driver is still as flaky as the web pages
suggest, it sounds like the Ultra stuff isn't...well, umm, useful. 8-/

>I still recommend just using the NetBSD/sparc userland and compiling a
>new 32-bit kernel from -current.  It's much less painful than dealing
>with the still broken gcc compiler.  And 32-bit NetBSD emulation is still
>rather sucky.

  I don't mind running it in 32bit mode...I just want it *running*.  A friend
is over here hacking, trying to get the sparc64 kernel built from -current
sources as of a couple of days ago.  He's cussing a lot and banging his fists on
the desk; I'm afraid to ask him how it's going. :)  Any pointers on the
specifics?  I live and breathe Sun hardware all day and all night, but I've
never touched an Ultra because I don't want to soil my soul with Slowlaris.

  I'll hack on it for a while tonight...if we can't get it running before I fall
asleep, I guess I'll have an Ultra1/170 for sale. 8)

                   -Dave McGuire