Subject: NetBSD/sparc 1.4.1 binary package bonanza
To: (NetBSD/sparc Maillist) <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/19/2000 15:13:04
	I've just compiled and uploaded slightly over 250 binary packages
	from the latest pkgsrc for NetBSD/sparc 1.4.1, including such
	fun monsters as

		teTeX, kde, gimp, xemacs, ghostscript, gnome, and perl

	Full list enclosed at end for those who are interested.

	You can download using ftp and 'pkg_add' them from:

	or install via ftp (it will automatically download andy
	dependencies).  For example to install kde:


	Note: If you are using NetBSD and have not tried pkgsrc (not just
	the binary packages, the actual pkgsrc distribution), run (do not
	walk) to:

	and try it yourself - it will revolutionise the way you regard
	third party software.


	ImageMagick-4.2.9	gnome-print-0.9		pico-3.7
	Mesa-3.0		gnumeric-0.46		pine-4.21
	ORBit-0.5.0		gnuplot-3.7		pkglibtool-1.2p2
	Xaw3d-1.5		golddig-2.0		pkglint-1.99
	XmHTML-1.1.7		gsm-1.0.10		pload-0.9.4
	addnerd-1.6		gtar-1.12		png-1.0.3
	afterstep-1.6.10	gtar-base-1.12		postmark-1.11
	amanda-all-2.4.1p1	gtar-info-1.12		procmail-3.13.1
	amanda-client-2.4.1p1	gtk+-1.2.6		psmisc-17
	amanda-common-2.4.1p1	gtksamba-	python-1.5.2
	amanda-plot-2.4.1p1	guile-1.3.4		qt-1.44
	amanda-server-2.4.1p1	gv-3.5.8		qwspritefield-1.6
	amiwm-0.20p48		hbench-1.0		readline-4.0
	analog-4.01		heapsort-1.0		roller-1.0
	apache-1.3.9p0		hfsutils-3.2.6		rplay-3.2.0b6
	archie-1.4.1		hint.serial-98.06.12	rpm-2.5.4
	arpwatch-2.1a4		hylafax-4.1b2		rsync-2.3.1
	asclock-1.0		icb-5.0.9pl1		rtty-3.2
	asclock-gtk-2.1.10	icbm3d-0.3		rumba-0.6
	asclock-xlib-2.0b11	icsi-finger-1.0.27	sane-1.0.1
	ascp-1.0.2		imlib-1.9.8		scotty-2.1.8
	autoconf-2.13		iozone-1.14b		screen-3.9.5
	automake-1.4		ircII-4.4L		scsh-0.5.1
	bash-2.03		ispell-3.1.20		setiathome-1.2
	batchftp-1.02		jed-0.98-7		sh-utils-2.0
	bind-4.9.7		jetpack-1.0		skill-3.7.7
	bing-1.0.4		jpeg-6b			smalleiffel-0.78
	bison-1.28		kde-1.1.2		snort-1.5
	boehm-gc-5.0a3		kdebase-1.1.2		socket-1.1
	bonnie-1.0		kdegames-1.1.2		speyes-1.2.0
	bsddip-1.02		kdegraphics-1.1.2	sshsh-1.0
	bytebench-3.6		kdelibs-1.1.2		sux-1.0
	catclock-0.0		kdemultimedia-1.1.2	svb-1.0
	cdlabelgen-1.5.0	kdenetwork-1.1.2	t1lib-1.0
	cdrecord-1.6.1		kdesupport-1.1.2	tcl-8.0.5
	choparp-971007		kdeutils-1.1.2		tcsh-6.09.00
	coda-doc-	kdf-0.5.1		teTeX-1.0.6
	coda-intro-	lavaps-1.8		teTeX-bin-1.0.6
	control-center-1.0.51	lesstif-0.89.4		teTeX-share-1.0
	cpogm-1.0		lha-114f		teTeX-sharesrc-1.0
	crashme-2.4		libaudiofile-0.1.9	ted-2.6
	ctwm-3.5		libghttp-1.0.4		tf-4.0a6
	cvs-1.10		libglade-0.11		thttpd-2.09
	dclock-4		libhfs-3.2.6		tiff-3.5.4
	delegate-5.9.12		libproplist-0.9.1	tk-8.0.5
	depot-5.14		libslang-1.3.10		tload-2.0.6
	dhid-3.0		libungif-4.1.0		ttcp-1.12
	dhrystone-2.1		libwww-5.2.8		unzip-5.40
	dialog-0.6z		libxml-1.7.3		url2pkg-1.7
	dlint-1.3.2		lincity-1.09		user-19991231
	dxpc-3.7.0		linpack-940225		uulib-0.5.13
	econf-0.15		lmbench-2.11a		vilearn-1.0
	ee-0.3.11		logrot-1.5		weblint-1.020
	eggdrop-1.3.22		logtime-1.0		wget-1.5.3
	egtk-0.3.3		lrzsz-0.12.18		whetstone-1.2
	emiclock-2.0.2		lsof-4.46		windowmaker-0.61.1
	es-0.9a1		lynx-2.8.2		wmfire-
	esound-0.2.15		m4-1.4			wwwoffle-2.5b
	ethereal-0.8.1		maelstrom-2.0.6		xanim-2.80.1
	f2c-19991025p1		mawk-1.2.2		xbanner-1.31
	fib-980203		minicom-1.82.1		xbill-2.0
	fileutils-3.16		mirrormagic-1.3		xcruise-0.22
	findutils-4.1		mkhybrid-1.12b5.2	xdemineur-2.1.1
	flops-2.0		mkisofs-1.11.3		xdu-3.0
	freetype-1.2		moria-5.5.2		xemacs-21.1.6
	fvwm2-2.2.2		mosaic-2.7b5		xgalaga-2.0.34
	fvwm95-2.0.43a		mpeg-1.2.1		xhangglider-0.94.0
	gaim-0.9.10		mpeg2codec-1.2		xhfs-3.2.6
	galaxa-0.1		mpeg_play-2.4patched	xkeycaps-2.44
	gated-3.5.11		mpg123-0.59r		xless-1.7
	gcombust-0.1.27		mrtg-2.8.8		xli-1.16
	gd-1.7.3		mtools-3.9.5		xlockmore-4.14
	gdbm-1.7.3		ncurses-5.0		xmame-0.36b8.1
	gdm-2.0b4		nedit-5.0.2		xneko-4.4
	gemdropx-0.3		netatalk-19990130	xosview-1.7.0.b
	genpasswd-1.5		nethack-lib-3.3.0	xpdf-0.90
	gettext-0.10.35		nethack-tty-3.3.0	xpm-3.4k
	ghostscript-5.50	nethack-x11-3.3.0	xpmroot-2.2.2
	gimp-1.0.4		netpbm-19940301		xps-3.14
	gindent-2.2.4		nmap-2.12		xroach-4.4
	gkermit-1.00		nocol-4.2.2b4		xroads-0.5
	glade-0.5.3		ns-remote-1.1		xscreensaver-3.21
	glib-1.2.6		nsieve-1.2b		xsnow-1.40
	gmake-3.78.1		oneko-1.1b		xteddy-1.1
	gnapster-1.3		osname-1.1		zip-2.3
	gnome-core-1.0.53	paranoia-960101		zsh-3.0.7
	gnome-libs-1.0.53	perl-5.00503