Subject: Re: Ross question
To: Brian Buhrow <>
From: Michael C. Ibarra <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/10/2000 10:52:52
At 06:43 AM 01/10/2000 -0800, Brian Buhrow wrote:
>         I think the versions we upgraded to in the Sparc 10 and 20 machines
>we converted were R2.25 and higher.  Lower numbers, like 2.15, didn't cut

You are correct, this was a Ross chip not a Sun, hence the R prefix. The 
R2.25, as far
as I know, was the last one and it did work for both the SS10 as well as 
the SS20. Previous
versions had bugs and were specifically built for either the SS10 or the 
SS20. I do believe
that the SS20 did have support (or a bugfix) for the FAS/HME cards.


>On Jan 9,  1:24pm, Herb Peyerl wrote:
>} Subject: Re: Ross question
>} (Brian Buhrow)  wrote:
>}  >    What version of PROM is in the 690?  It could be it takes a different
>}  > firmware version than the 100MHZ version?  Also, what's the MBUS 
>speed set
>}  > to?  I believe the 150MHZ chips want 50MHZ MBUS, but the 100MHZ might 
>}  > 40?
>} hmm... I don't know about the firmware version. Though '2.1' rings a bell
>} but I could be way out to lunch.
>} but MBUS speed is interesting. I'll check that too.
>} thanks for the pointers.
> >-- End of excerpt from Herb Peyerl