Subject: Re: ICQ tools.
To: Rick Byers <>
From: Reinoud Zandijk <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 12/20/1999 11:18:19
Hi Rick,

On Sun, 19 Dec 1999, Rick Byers wrote:
> I've been using licq 0.61 for many months now.  It required some minor
> modifcations to get it to compile under NetBSD, but I submitted them to the
> author (a friend of mine here in Waterloo actually)

Well, i'm running this version too.. without real problems, i may say...
but haven't found the energy to build a package yet... Did you had to
make modifications? I can't remember if i needed to.... or if, then only a
small one...

> I've been planning on getting the newest version going (and possibly
> creating a package for it), but I just haven't had the time lately
> (Actually, as you may have gathered, I just found the time now to catch
> up on reading the last month of list traffic!). 

I've tried to compile it. It almost compiles, but it gets stuck on the
absense of a pthread call missing... but... i've forgotten wich one.. so
the pthread package has to be updated too...

Maybe one day.... the pthread package can be ... more nicely integrated
with NetBSD though... it still looks like a hack to me, but i may be
