Subject: Re: how far has the sb3 work come?
To: Michael Ritzert <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/28/1999 12:11:33
>>> 1280x1024? Most Sun framebuffers - at least the ones I've seen -
>>> max out at 1152x900. [...1600x1280...1024x768...]
> Is 1024x768 supported by NetBSD, especially its X server?
It's supported for the console; the machine on which I saw 1024x768
work is a SPARCStation 2 running NetBSD. (Currently a rather old
release, because I used to play CDs on it and I haven't upgraded since
I found what was upsetting the CD drive.)
X works fine on it, though I'm not using NetBSD's X server (to the
extent that there is such a thing - I assume this refers to the X
package). I'm using X11R6.3, public-patch-1, with a few more patches
of my own...and it works fine for me on that machine.
> Is there support for [the ZX] in NetBSD?
I don't know.
der Mouse
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