Subject: Re: how far has the sb3 work come?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/27/1999 02:18:15
>> Doesn't Xsun already support 24-bit colour?  Certainly R6.3 builds
>> an Xsun24 server executable.

> X11R6.3 does not support Sun 24-bit colour (look at the X manual
> page).

That's odd, we must have different R6.3s.  At public-patch-1, I find
that "man Xsun24" produces a page that says, in part,

       frame buffer.  Xsun24 supports the  cgeight  24-bit  color
       frame buffer in addition to the 8-bit color and monochrome
       frame buffers that Xsun supports.

>> Or is the framebuffer not accessible as simple video RAM + colormap?

> You don't need a colourmap for 24bpp, do you?  I thought it was
> direct addressing/coloring.

It depends on the hardware.  If - to use the X terms - it's TrueColor,
you don't, in functional terms, have a colormap.  If it's DirectColor,
you have 768 bytes of colormap (three 256-element maps, one per

> The thing I want to know is how do they get 24bpp on 1280x1024 with
> only 6MB on the video card?!?

1280x1024?  Most Sun framebuffers - at least the ones I've seen - max
out at 1152x900.  I've got a bwtwo that supports 1600x1280, and I hear
colour exists at that resolution but have never seen it personally (the
monitor would surely be mucho $$$, if nothing else).  I've seen a
framebuffer run at 1024x768, and have seen indications that some do
1024x1024.  I don't think I've ever seen or heard of a Sun framebuffer
running 1280x1024, though.

					der Mouse

		     7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B