Subject: Re: sparc LX sound support?
To: Adrian Rollett <>
From: Michael Lorenz <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/18/1999 19:14:30
> * Heh. Does the IPX not just kick butt? It sits nicely out of the way, it
> * has a couple of slots, and it looks cool.
> * I suppose that the LX is fairly well supported, right? That would solve
> * some of the IPX's sluggishness issues.
> *
> For the record, the LX runs *very* nicely under netBSD, the only thing I'm
> wondering about is fairly obvious from the subject - does anyone know
> anything about the status of sound support for the LX?
The LX has DBRI sound as far as i know which - I think - is unsupported.