Subject: Re: apache
To: Tony Gottfridsson <>
From: Robbie Stone <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 11/17/1999 07:17:47
Tony Gottfridsson wrote:
> I need to ask before compiling (my box is really slow!)
> With "prestine sources"
> compile mod-ssl and php3
> compile apache
> With the pkgsrc?
> ap-ssl/ # make
> ap-php/ # make
> ?!??! wont that sort of first make apache-ssl then make an apache-php that
> doesnt understand ssl?
> /Regards Tony Gottfridsson <>
If it's just an IPX or Sparc 2, then go for it. Apache is relativly
small, there's really *not* much time involved in the compiling. As for
the should know immediately before Apache even gets its
tarball as it would be a dependency. If it is not, then mod-ssl and php3
might be in Apache module form.
Robbie Stone
Serendipity Simplex