Subject: Re: SPARC IPC: Questions... THE SOLUTION...
To: Bruce Lane <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 10/19/1999 20:19:24
On Tue, 19 Oct 1999, Bruce Lane wrote:

> 	Thanks, Rico. For the benefit of those on the list, the problem I was
> having was that NetBSD would panic-stop when using a VT420 on serial A as
> the console instead of the video output and Sun keyboard.
> 	Last night, I tried disabling the smooth scroll feature as Rico suggested
> above. Wham! Everything worked just fine, and the unit is now my first DNS
> box.
> 	So, folks, the moral of the story is "If you're going to smooth-scroll,
> don't use XOFF. If you use XOFF, don't use smooth scroll."
> 	As to why, exactly, NetBSD does this is another mystery better answered by
> those who have a lot more experience writing code than I do. ;-)

	Would you be able to generate a one more kernel crashdump, run gdb
	on it to obtain a traceback, and then submit a PR with the details.
	That way we can track the problem :)
