Subject: Re: SS10 / -current problem - more details
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Greywolf <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/26/1999 09:22:11
On Sun, 26 Sep 1999, der Mouse wrote:

Gee, you're up early this morning :-)

# > If you load this patch and set the term-type to sun-ss5, you will
# > have output much faster than RASTERCONSOLE can deliver on a cg6.
# But I'll also be stuck with gallant.r.19.  One of the main benefits of
# RASTERCONSOLE for me is that I get a decently small font.
# (gallant.r.19 is fine for some things, but for most console purposes I
# find it just a waste of screen space.  With FIXED6x13, I get a 192x69
# console, which is much preferable to the 80x34 console I get with
# GALLANT12x22.)

Hm.  I can't stand the fixed 6x13, myself, and the scrollback rate using
RASTERCONSOLE on a cg6 is abominable, to me.

De gustibus non est disputantum. (disputatum?)

But in reference to both of us getting that salmon colour on the console,
this means that the kernel would explicitly have to construct a colourmap
which, currently, it does not for a cg6 (the colours get drawn from the
same palette that the banner image uses).

Is there a way to replace that nice neat little 256-colour image with
a different one?  I'd like to have a daemon in mine...oh, wait, that's
forth code, and apparently the image is somehow forth instructions...

# 					der Mouse
# 		     7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B

	"Just click on the START button and your journey to the Dark Side
	 will be complete!"