Subject: Re: Pre-Built Packages
To: Robbie Stone <>
From: Reinoud Zandijk <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/14/1999 10:26:52
Hi Robbie,

On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, Robbie Stone wrote:
> I am using NetBSD-1.4.1 and there's nothing there. I assume that people
> in the future will also use 1.4.1 and not 1.4.

Well, the NetBSD-1.4.1 is a patch release. The kernel and the userland
tools were updated from NetBSD-1.4.

Since NetBSD-1.4, NetBSD-1.3.x and maybe even (depends on kernel) 
NetBSD-1.x binarys will work and recompiling all packages can be a, well,
long time project as you noticed, they get updated less frequently; they
may not even have to be updated in the meantime. 

You can also `pkg_add' a url, so f.e. :


(extention ok?) will fetch and install teTeX and all the packages it
relies on. The directly `All' is the main list; the other classifications
are symbolic links to the packages in `All'.

Give it a try! Offcource, if a package is not available, you'll have to
build it yourself, but most of the bulky packages such as teTeX,
Windowmaker etc. are precompiled next to lots of small utils/mailreaders
etc etc.
