Subject: Re: ELC power?
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: None <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 09/10/1999 09:09:02
To:   der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>

Wa hoo...

Well Done.    BTW, the sense lines are a feedback path to the power supply (in
the ELC) to ensure that the 5V is really 5V at the card, not at the PSU output.
It was designed in (in the old days) to allow for connector / cable losses.
Cutting the off was a good move.

If you are patient enough to extend the keyboard and mouse connectors, I am
farily sure that the RCA connector on the 'small' board carries a full composite
video signal.  Worst case, you will find the v.sync, and h.sync signals on the
other small connector on the 'small' board.  These can all be extended to the
back case, and you will find that a sun monitor will be able to be connected.

In my experience, I would not actually bother, as itis a pure black and white

I actually use my ELC, as a sun host, and use a FreeBSD PC as a X windows
server.  (you get sun binary compatibility, and a color display for
approximately zero dollars).  I can net boot NetBSD, but I have a need to run a
commercial package that really needs a slowaris OS. (just lets me mirror my work


der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA> on 10/09/99 04:11:28 am


Subject:  Re: ELC power?

> After trying to rapair the PSU's on a number of occasions, I gave up,
> and spent $30 (aus) on a standard PC power supply.

I too can - now - verify that this works Just Fine.  I cut the
connector off the (now-dead) ELC power supply, opened up a handy peecee
power supply, and soldered the connector into place (ground, +5, -5,
+12, -12).  Note to anyone contemplating doing this: the ELC power
supply - at least the one I worked with - includes two pins marked "+5
SENCE" and "-5 SENCE" (presumably whoever did the lettering for the
board couldn't spell).  I left these wires unconnected with no ill
effects apparent.  There was also a wire connected to a point marked
"LED GND"; following the etch runs indicated this was connected to the
other two ground wires, so I soldered all three to the power supply's
ground output point.

I now have an ELC that can run headless.  If I were to connect a
keyboard, I imagine it would run headed, just without video.  It might
even be possible to connect the video up to something, but I haven't
experimented with that.

The fear that the serial-line drivers were fried by feeding them 20
volts appears to have been just that, a fear.  They show no sign of
trouble, though admittedly I haven't stressed them.

                         der Mouse

               7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B