Subject: Re: corrupt/depleted pty's?
To: Matthew Ross Davis <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 08/20/1999 14:27:32
What does a 'fstat | grep pty' report?
-=- They took away my irony, but they left my deceit -=-
On Fri, 20 Aug 1999, Matthew Ross Davis wrote:
> > What happens if you
> > 'cd /dev ; ./MAKEDEV pty1'
> Wow, interesting:
> bash-2.03# ls pty*
> ptyp0 ptyp2 ptyp4 ptyp6 ptyp8 ptypa ptypc ptype
> ptyp1 ptyp3 ptyp5 ptyp7 ptyp9 ptypb ptypd ptypf
> bash-2.03# ./MAKEDEV pty1
> bash-2.03# ls pty*
> ptyp0 ptyp3 ptyp6 ptyp9 ptypc ptypf ptyq2 ptyq5 ptyq8 ptyqb ptyqe
> ptyp1 ptyp4 ptyp7 ptypa ptypd ptyq0 ptyq3 ptyq6 ptyq9 ptyqc ptyqf
> ptyp2 ptyp5 ptyp8 ptypb ptype ptyq1 ptyq4 ptyq7 ptyqa ptyqd
> And telnet and ssh both work! I'm still concerned as to why when only p0-7 and
> pf are being used that the rest of the pseudo terminals didn't get recycled...
> junior p0 tamserver.jfk1.g Wed07PM 2 ssh
> jzitt p4 jzittpc:S.0 2:12PM 3:02 /usr/local/bin/bash
> mrd p5 ryoanji:S.1 Tue08AM 5 tf lambda
> mrd p6 ryoanji:S.0 8:06AM 0 w
> mrd p7 ryoanji:S.2 8:41AM 0 vi /home/mrd/tmp/mutt-silence-183-45
> jzitt pf jzittpc:S.1 2:12PM 0 mutt
> --
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