Subject: Re: sucessful build of a new SLC kernel, but no mouse in X ? +docs
To: None <>
From: Reinoud Zandijk <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/21/1999 14:11:15
Hi Manual,

On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> Howver i'd suggest keeping it in a cold place, or adding an external fan to
> force some flow into it. I have some SLC/ELC here, and a lot of their display
> goes bad (all white with horizontal lines, even with luninosity tured off, no
> more contrast, but still work fine with a serial console :), I think it's
> because of temperature, as this started happening first to the ones in the
> hottest places.

Hmmm... I was thinking about adding another switch by modifying the
standard switch to be the switch for the tube and to add a extra swich for
the electronics. But I don't have a schema. Could this be posible? Or the
other way around? An extra swich between the 220 v and the power-converter
for the high-voltage stuff for the monitor?
