Subject: Re: Cheap Sparc Notebooks
To: Ken Wellsch <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/18/1999 23:45:09
On 18-Jul-99 Ken Wellsch wrote:
> When I saw this deal mentioned on the nearby Orlando BUGO site a few weeks
> back, I ordered a GS. I've seen postings here indicated "it just works"
> when newbie GX/GS owners asked. But until I took the external drive I
> built my ss20/elf -current on (July 4th) and booted it on the GS last
> night, I didn't know how correct "just works" was. I presumed I'd need
> a serial console, but no, it "just works!" Sure, no X with the Weitek
> P9100, but the LCD worked fine as an ASCII console. I initially tried
> booting an old 1.3I floppy I'd made long ago but couldn't figure out the
> exact way of referencing the SCSI floppy drive, so I punted to the external
> SCSI HD I had handy instead.
I just finished installing mine a few hours ago. It picks up the floppy as a
normal scsi disk target.. I was able to access it in netbsd as "sd1c".
I just printed out the hardware docs for the notebook, and they seem pretty
complete.. perhaps some drivers will start showing up.
The machine runs pretty quick, and the scrolling isn't bad.. I like this
machine.. having X on it would be killer.