Subject: Re: Cheap Sparc Notebooks
To: Curt Sampson <>
From: Ken Wellsch <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 07/18/1999 18:06:00
When I saw this deal mentioned on the nearby Orlando BUGO site a few weeks
back,  I ordered a GS. I've seen postings here indicated "it just works"
when newbie GX/GS owners asked.  But until I took the external drive I
built my ss20/elf -current on (July 4th) and booted it on the GS last
night, I didn't know how correct "just works" was. I presumed I'd need
a serial console, but no, it "just works!"  Sure, no X with the Weitek
P9100, but the LCD worked fine as an ASCII console.  I initially tried
booting an old 1.3I floppy I'd made long ago but couldn't figure out the
exact way of referencing the SCSI floppy drive, so I punted to the external
SCSI HD I had handy instead.


-- Ken

> Folks might be interested in having a look at
> This guy is selling some Tadpole sparc notebooks dirt cheap. The
> 110 MHz model (GX) is $400, and the 85 MHz model (GS) is $200, plus
> $30 shipping. There are some fun extras included as well: a 28.8
> PC card modem, a 170 MB PC card hard drive, SCSI floppy, and a
> trackball. I should have one of these shortly, so I'll let you know
> what NetBSD thinks of it.
> cjs