Subject: Re: SS2 with SS5 SCSI HDD?
To: Stephen B. Salai <>
From: Tim Rightnour <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 05/09/1999 08:48:44
On 09-May-99 Stephen B. Salai spoke unto us all:
# The connector on the SS5 disk is called SCA, (it includes the power
# connections) so what you need is an SCA--50 pin adaptor. I don't have
# one, but I've seen em mentioned, and for sale from time to time. As
# usual, if you need one, it will be hard to fine, and expensive ;(
I have 3-4 of them.. They can be had via mail-order just about anywhere.. they
are very common.. about 18-20 bux. I bought mine at Fry's for 5 bux each. ;)
Tim Rightnour -
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