Subject: Re: Supporting the SunOS (or Solaris) "format"?
To: None <>
From: Head Anarchy Conquest Knight Esquire of the Realm <>
List: port-sparc
Date: 01/20/1999 19:28:20
Are you running in multi-user mode when you try format?
Also, I've noticed something interesting: Although you can't write
to a raw partition in securemode 1, I see we can now edit the disklabel
in securemode 1.
If anyone requests a reason as to why Windows NT is inferior to UNIX,
refer them to the process scheduler, for starters. Of course, users
don't care, and programmers try not to, even though they both should.
If that fails, reiterate that remote administration and control of a
node is a *good* thing, especially if network security is concerned.